
Oat pseudorosette rhabdovirus - Oat Pseudorosette Virus (OPV)

Systematic position.

Kingdom Vira, genus Rhabdovirus. ICTV decimal code: 69.0.1.T.DE.3.


Oat Pupation Disease Virus, Oat Siberian Mosaic Virus.

Biological group.

Obligate parasite.

Morphology and biology.

First report about Oat pseudorosette virus was made by Sukhov (1940). The morphology of this virus has not been fully investigated. It is known that the Oat pseudorosette virus is transmitted by the leafhopper Laodelphax striatellus in the persistent manner; i.e., transovarian transmission is used. This virus is not transmitted mechanically or through seeds. In oat plants it causes light green stripes and spots on leaves, ear proliferation, stunting, and tillering. According to the data of Fedotina (1975), electron microscopy of plants with oat pupation disease symptoms constantly revealed bacilliform virions and mycoplasma-like organisms. Therefore, oat pupation disease is a mixed infection, caused by virus and mycoplasma.


Within the Former Soviet Union, the Oat pseudorosette virus is locally distributed, mainly in Siberia, Primorskii Territory, Sakhalin, Kamchatka, Bashkortostan, in the north of Kazakhstan, and in Kirov Region.


Oat pseudorosette virus appearance depends insignificantly on the ecological factors, as the presence of natural virus reservation and transovarian virus transmission in vectors facilitate saving this virus in natural viral foci.

Economic significance.

In the epiphytoty years, the plant infestation in oat crops reaches 50-100%, while in ordinary years it reaches 3-17%. The disease severity decrease is favored by timely shallow plowing, subsequent deep plowing as well as eradication of weeds reserving the virus. The optimal time of plant sowing is of great importance in decreasing the Oat pseudorosette virus distribution.

Reference citations:

Dubonosov T.S., Panarin I.V., Kanevcheva I.S. 1975 Viral diseases of cereals. Moscow: Kolos, 118 pp. (in Russian)
Fedotina V.P. 1975. Electron microscopy investigation of oat plants infected with pupation disease. In: Reifman V.G., ed. Transactions of Biology-Soil Institute. Vladivostok: DVNC. V.31: 59-72. (in Russian)
Panarin I.V. 1985. Protection of cereals against viral diseases. Moscow: Rossel'khozizdat. 77 p. (in Russian)
Sukhov K.S. 1943. The evidence of infection in purified protein preparation of Oat mosaic virus (Oat pupation disease virus). Doklady AN SSSR 40(4): 190-192. (in Russian)
Sukhov K.S. & Vovk A.A. 1938. Pupation disease of cereals. Doklady AN SSSR 20(9): 743-747. (in Russian)
Tsyplenkov A.E. 1999. Prophylactic measures of viral diseases on cereals. AGRO-XXI 4: 16-17 (in Russian)
Vlasov Yu.I. & Larina E.I. 1982. Agricultural virology. Moscow: Kolos. 237 p. (in Russian).

© Tsyplenkov A.E.

The picture is borrowed from the publication of Ryzhkov V.L., Potsenko A.E. 1968. Atlas of plant viral diseases. Moscow: Nauka, 136 p. (in Russian).

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