
Area and zones of severity of Peronospora schachtii Fuck.

Object description Download GIS-layers


Scientist - L.B. Khlopunova,
GIS-specialist - M.I. Saulich.

Date of creation:




Accuracy of map:

Created on the basis of a map of the scale 1: 33,000,000.


"Alber.s Equal Area Conic for Russia" 9, 1001, 7, 100, 0, 44, 68, 0, 0.

Basic contents:

Vector map consisting of 4 thematic layers, where the distribution and zones of severity are shown by polygons.

Accuracy of classifier:

In the disease area the zones of low (6-10%), moderate (11-25%) and high incidence (26% to 100% of plants are affected by P. schachtii) are outlined. The zones are marked according to method by A.E.Chumakov & T.I.Zakharova (1990).

Method of map production:

Zones of severity are drawn on a blank map based on open-published references (Pozhar, 1961, 1963, 1964; Popova, 1968, 1969, 1971; Al.khovskaya, 1969; Popova & Zlotnikov, 1970; Batalova et al., 1973; Pozhar et al., 1978, 1979). The zone of high severity of the disease (26% and higher) is marked in Ukraine (Ternopil., Rivne, Sumy, and Kyiv Regions), in Voronezh, Kursk, Orel Regions, and in Krasnodar Territory. The zone of moderate severity (11 to 25%) encompasses Lipetsk, Penza, Poltava, Vinnytsya, Zhytomyr, Khmel.nytskyi, and Kirovohrad Regions, Kyrgyzstan and Baltic States. The low severity of the disease (not more than 10%) has been recorded in southern and western regions of Ukraine, in Byelorussia, Moldova, Stavropol. Territory, Kazakhstan, and central areas of the European part of the former USSR. Registration and vectoring of raster map depicting zones of severity of Downy Mildew on sugar beet are executed by standard means of GIS-technologies.

Reference citations:

Al.khovskaya T.F. 1969. Fungal diseases of sugar beet in Chu River valley of Kyrgyzstan. PhD Thesis. Tashkent: AN UzbSSR, 19 p. (in Russian).
Batalova T.S., Shevchenko V.N., Pozhar Z.A., Tishchenko E.I. 1973. Diseases of sugar beet. In: Chumakov A.E., ed. Distribution of diseases in agricultural crops in the USSR in 1968-1972. Leningrad: VIZR. p. 77-80 (in Russian).
Chumakov A.E., & Zakharova T.I. 1990. Harmfulness of cultural plants diseases. Moscow: Agropromizdat. 127 p. (in Russian)..
Popova I.V. 1968. Diseases of sugar beet. In: Polyakov, I.Ya., ed. 1968. Distribution of pests and diseases of grown crops in the USSR in 1967 and the forecast of their appearance in 1968. Moscow: Rossel.khozizdat, p. 94-96. (in Russian)..
Popova I.V. 1969. Diseases of sugar beet. In: Polyakov I.Ya., Chumakov A.E., eds. Distribution of pests and diseases in agricultural crops in the RSFSR in 1968 and the forecast of their appearance in 1969. Leningrad: VIZR. p. 116-119. (in Russian).
Popova I.V. 1971. Diseases of sugar beet. In: Polyakov I.Ya., Minkevich I.I., eds. Distribution of pests and diseases in agricultural crops in the RSFSR in 1970 and the forecast of their appearance in 1971. Moscow: VIZR, p.148-154 (in Russian).
Popova I.V., Zlotnikov M.D. 1970. Diseases of sugar beet. In: Polyakov I.Ya., Minkevich I.I., eds. Distribution of pests and diseases in agricultural crops in the RSFSR in 1969 and the forecast of their appearance in 1970. Moscow: VIZR, p.205-212 (in Russian).
Pozhar Z.A. 1959. Downy Mildew. In: Savchenko E.N., ed. Beet Growing. V. 3. Kiev: Ukrsel.khozgiz (VNIS), p. 438-450. (in Russian).
Pozhar Z.A. 1961. Diseases of sugar beet. In: Polyakov I.Ya., Chumakov A.E., eds. Distribution of pests and diseases in agricultural crops in the USSR in 1960 and the forecast of their appearance in 1961. Leningrad: VIZR. p. 144-1472 (in Russian).
Pozhar Z.A. 1963. Diseases of sugar beet. In: Polyakov I.Ya., Chumakov A.E., eds. Distribution of pests and diseases in agricultural crops in the USSR in 1962 and the forecast of their appearance in 1963. Leningrad: VIZR. p. 218-225. (in Russian).
Pozhar Z.A. 1964. Diseases of sugar beet. In: Polyakov I.Ya., Chumakov A.E., eds. Distribution of pests and diseases in agricultural crops in the USSR in 1963 and the forecast of their appearance in 1964 (Proc. VIZR, V, 22). Leningrad: VIZR. p. 272-282 (in Russian).
Pozhar Z.A., Tishchenko E.I., Popova I.V. 1978. Diseases of sugar beet in 1977 and 1978. Sakharnaya svekla 3: 31-33 (in Russian).
Pozhar Z.A., Tishchenko E.I., Popova I.V. 1979. Diseases of sugar beet in 1979. Sakharnaya svekla 4: 36-38 (in Russian).

Rights and copyrights:

All rights reserved.
Copyright 2004 © L.B.Khlopunova & M.I.Saulich (VIZR, vector map, description), L.B.Khlopunova (VIZR, photo).

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