
Distribution and severity zones of Ascochyta Blight of Peas (Ascochyta pisi Lebert., Ascochyta pinodes (Berk. et Blox.) Jones)

Object description Download GIS-layers


Specialist-biologist . Kungurtseva O.V.,
GIS-specialist . Saulich M.I.

Date of creation:



1:20 000 000.

Accuracy of map:

It is created on materials of map of natural scale 1:33 000 000.


"Alber's Equal Area Conic", 9, 1001, 7, 100, 0, 44, 68, 0, 0.

Basic contents:

The vector map is composed of 3 thematic layers. Zones of distribution and severity are shown by polygons.

Accuracy of classifier:

The disease area is divided into zones of low and high severity. Precipitation amount is the main criterion of allocation of the zones. In the zone of high severity the annual development of the disease is 75% and more, having moderate development 1-2 times per 10 years; the zone of low severity is characterized by low and moderate development of the disease having 1-2 epiphytoties per 10 years.

Procedure of map drawing:

The map is compiled by results of the analysis of the open published cartographical materials. A map of E.G.Shekunova "Ascochyta severity on peas" is taken as a basis (Anon. 1971). The disease area has been corrected according to modern data on areas of pea growing (Balashova, 1962; Dorozhkin, 1978; Malikova, 1973; Mikhailenko, 1971). Borders of severity zones are specified with use of the published materials.

Sources of the data:

Anon. 1971. Methods of territorial long-term prognosis of plant diseases. Leningrad: VASKHNIL, VIZR. 91 p. (in Russian).
Balashova, N.N. 1962. Ascochyta blight of garden peas in Moldavia and its control. Kishinev: MSKh MoldSSR. 30 p. (in Russian).
Dorozhkin, N.A., Chekalinskaya, N.I. & Nitievskaya V.I. 1978. The diseases of Legumes in BSSR. Minsk: Nauka i tekhnika. 192 p. (in Russian).
Makasheva, R.Kh. 1973. The pea. Leningrad: Kolos. 312 p. (in Russian).
Malikova, G.B. 1973. Ascochyta blight of pea in Krasnodar Terrirory. Mykologiya i fytopatologiya 7(4): 360-3. (in Russian).
Mikhailenko, M.A. 1971. Peas in West Siberia. Omsk: West Siberian Publishing House. 283 p. (in Russian).
Mikheeva, R.I. 1976. Ascochyta blight of peas. Leningrad: Kolos. 53 p. (in Russian).

Right and copyright:

All rights reserved. Copyright 2004 © O.V.Kungurtseva & M.I.Saulich (vector map, description), O.V.Kungurtseva (photo).

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