
Brome mosaic bromovirus - Brome Mosaic Virus (BMV)

Systematic position.

Kingdom Vira, family Bromoviridae, genus Bromovirus.


Weidelgrasmosaikvirus, ryegrass streak virus, trespengrasmosaikvirus, Marmor graminis.

Biological group.


Morphology and biology.

BMV causes mosaic, chlorosis, and reddening of leaves on many main cereals. BMV has spherical particles of 28-30 nm in diameter. Temperature for the virus inactivation is about 70-75°C; limiting dilution - 1:10000; loss of infectivity in sap is 35 days. BMV spreading in nature is realized by means of beetles (Oulema melanopus L.) and their larvae, the virus vectors. BMV belongs to a group of pathogens forming natural foci, one of the most widespread and harmful phytoviruses L. BMV infects species of about 50 genera of the family Poaceae. Among dicotyledonous plants, its host range is restricted to a few genera in about six families. BMV causes mosaic of Bromus inermis, Aegilops cilindrica and other wild grasses.


BMV occurs in the European part of the former Soviet Union, in cereal growing zone.


BMV distribution is determined by presence of natural viral foci and by number of vectors, beetles Oulema melanopus.

Economic significance.

Broad specialization of BMV allows infecting many cultural plants; however, harming activity of the virus is not proved by results of published materials. Its harming activity is registered in the North Caucasus, Baltic States, Byelorussia, Moldova, Ukraine, Krasnodar Territory, Volga Region, Central and North-Western regions of Russia. Control measures include eradication of weeds, insecticide treatments against beetles, vectors of the virus.

Reference citations:

Brunt A.A., Crabtree K., Dallwitz M.J., Gibbs A.J., Watson L. and Zurcher E.J., eds. 1996-2006. Plant Viruses Online: Descriptions and Lists from the VIDE Database. Version: 20th August 1996. URL http://image.fs.uidaho.edu/vide/descr119.htm .
Dubonosov T.S., Panarin I.V. & Kanevcheva I.S. 1975. Viral diseases of cereals. Moscow: Kolos. 118 p. (in Russian).
Larina E.I. 1971. Brome mosaic virus, its properties and features of biology. In: Efremenko T.S., ed. Proceedings of VI All-Union research conference on viral diseases of plants. Moscow: VASKhNIL, p. 99-100 (in Russian).
Panarin I.V. 1985. Protection of cereals against viral diseases. Moscow: Rossel'khozizdat, p. 77 (in Russian).
Razvyazkina G.M., Belyanchikova Yu.V. & Pridantseva E.A. 1967. Viral epiphytotic on cereals in Krasnodar Territory. Biologicheskie nauki 12: 118-122 (in Russian).
Tsyplenkov A.E. 1993. Viral diseases on cereals in Rostov Region. . In: Vlasov Yu.I., ed. Proceedings of research conference "Problems of viral diseases on cereals and ways of their solving". Tver': VNIIMZ, p. 13-14 (in Russian).
Tsyplenkov A.E. 1999. Prophylactic measures of viral diseases on cereals. AGRO-XXI 4: 16-17 (in Russian).
Vlasov Yu.I. & Larina E.I. 1982. Agricultural virology. Moscow: Kolos, p. 237 (in Russian).
Vlasov Yu.I. & Teploukhova T.N. 1993. Brome mosaic virus and ways of its distribution in nature. In: Vlasov Yu.I., ed. Proceedings of research conference "Problems of viral diseases on cereals and ways of their solving". Tver': VNIIMZ, p. 7-8 (in Russian).

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