
Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis (Smith) Davis et al. - Bacterial Canker of Tomato.

Systematic position.

Kingdom Procaryotae, section Irregular Nonsporing Gram-positive Rods, family Pseudomonadaceae, genus Clavibacter.


Corynebacterium michiganense (Smith) Jensen; Cor.miciganense pv.michiganense (Smith) Dye and Kemp.

Biological group.


Morphology and biology.

Disease appears as withering and necroses on stems, leaves, and fruits during flowering of plants. Withering begins from the bottom layer of leaves. Edges of these leaves turn yellow and braided. Bacteriosis causes brown ulcers (sometimes with yellow slime) on young sepals, stems, pedicles, and especially on fruit stems. Brown bunches are visible on cross-sectioned diseased bodies of vascular system. White spots appear on fruits of tomato (they turn yellow later). As a rule, these spots often have cracks in the center. Early pathogen lesion of fruits results in their ugliness. Seeds of the diseased fruits darken and lose their germination. Cells of Cl. michiqanensis subsp. michiganensis are straight bacilli, usually 0.6-0.8 x 0.7-1.0 in size. Not moving. Gram-positive. Aerob. On nutrient mediums they develop very slowly. On MPA with glucose colonies appear in 4-5 day, reaching size 2-3 mm in 7-8 days. Colonies are round, raised (colorless, translucent in the beginning, cream-yellow later). Destroying gelatin slowly. Curdling milk. Hydrolyzing starch poorly (not all strains). Not producing indole and N2S. Not reducing nitrates. Producing acid from glucose, saccharose, galactose, maltose (not all strains). The optimum temperature for growth is 25-27.C, growth is absent at 47.C; pH 7.5. Pathogen produces polysaccharides, which have toxic effect on plants and cause their withering. Sources of the infection are seeds and vegetation residues.


Bacteriosis is present in the USA, Canada, Italy, Germany, France, Belgium, England, Southern Africa, Australia, and distributed through territory of the former USSR.


The temperature 20-28.C and relative humidity of air 80-85% are optimum factors for the bacteriosis development in greenhouses. Distribution of the disease may take the form of epiphytotics in open ground during rainy and hot weather.

Economic significance.

Pathogen affects plants from the family Solanaceae. Yield losses depend on a cultivated variety. Control measures include optimal agriculture, maintenance of crop rotation, cultivation of relatively resistant varieties, careful removal of plant residues, separating seeds from shrunken grains, pesticide treatment of seeds before sowing, treatment of plants by pesticides during vegetation period.

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