
Area and zone of severity of Pith Necrosis of Tomato Pseudomonas corrugata Roberts & Scarlett

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Object specialists - A.M. Lazarev,
GIS-specialist M.I. Saulich.

Date of creation:



1:20 000 000.

Accuracy of map:

It is created on information taken from the open published literature and maps of scale 1: 33 000 000.


"Alber's Equal Area Conic for the USSR", 9, 1001, 7, 100, 0, 44, 68, 0, 0.

Basic content:

Vector map consists of two thematic layers describing a zone of distribution and a zone of high severity of the disease on tomato.

Accuracy of the classifier:

The area represents the disease distribution where the Pith Necrosis of tomato has been revealed according to scientific publications. The zone of high disease severity is determined in those regions where epiphytotics arise sporadically and plants may be damaged by 8 to 58% or more in conditions of the closed ground.

Method of map production:

The map is compiled by the results of analysis of open published materials. Specification of the disease area borders is executed on the tomato distribution map that is proposed by N.V. Tepekhina (2004). The disease distribution is shown on a map of the former USSR; i.e., in Leningrad, Kemerovo, Saratov, Volgograd, Moscow, Vologda Regions, in Tatarstan (Bilai et al., 1988; Popkova & Nosova, 1989, 1990; Nosova, 1990a, 1990b; Bykova, 1992, 1994; Kondratenko et al., 1994; Pekhtereva, 1994; Rudakov et al., 1994; Pavlyushin, 1999; Dolzhenko et al., 2001; Akhatov et al., 2002; Pavlyushin, 2003), and also in Armenia (Bykova, 1992), Belarus (Pekhtereva & Matveeva, 1989; Sidlyarevich et al., 1989; Prishchepa & Pevets, 2004), Latvia (Popkova & Nosova, 1991). The zone of high disease severity is distinguished, including Moscow and Kemerovo Regions, Latvia and Tatarstan (Popkova & Nosova, 1989, 1990, 1991; Nosova, 1990a, 1990b; Pekhtereva, 1994). Specification of the area and disease severity zone borders is executed according to the tomato distribution map that is offered by Terekhina (2004).

Reference citations:

Akhatov A.K., Dzhalilov F.S., Beloshapkina O.O., Stroikov Yu.M. & Chizhov V.N. 2002. Protection of vegetable cultures in the closed ground (hand-book). Moscow: KMK, 464 p. (in Russian).
Bilai V.I., Gvozdyak R.I., Kraev V.G., Ellanskaya I.A., Zirka T.I. & Muras V.A. 1988. Microorganisms as the pathogens of plant diseases. Kiev: Naukova dumka, 552 p. (in Russian).
Bykova G.A. 1992. Biological basis of tomato protection from bacterioses in protected ground of the North West zone of the Russian Federation. PhD Thesis. St. Petersburg: VIZR, 18 p. (in Russian).
Bykova G.A. 1994. Bacterial disease of tomato in the protected ground of Northwest of Russia. In: Zakharenko V.A. & Matveeva E.V., eds. Proc. All-Russian Conference. Bacterial diseases of potato and vegetable cultures and methods of their control. Moscow: RASKHN, p. 62-65 (in Russian).
Dolzhenko V.I., Kotikova G.S., Zdrozhevskaya S.D., Grishechkina L.D., Burkova L.A., Gerasimova A.V., Milyutenkova T.I. & Belykh E.B. 2001. Plant protection means for seed dressing before sowing. In: Ishkova T.I., ed. St. Petersburg: VIZR, 2001, 55 p. (in Russian).
Kondratenko E.V., Bykova G.A., Sergeeva M.E. & Kozlov L.P. 1994. Production of diagnostic serum for Pseudomonas corrugata and its analysis in immunological tests. In: Zaharenko V.A. & Matveeva E.V., eds. Proc. All-Russian Conference. Bacterial diseases of potato and vegetable cultures and methods of their control. Moscow: RASKHN, p. 82-84 (in Russian).
Nosova O.N. 1990a. Studying tomato plants resistance to bacterioses. In: Gvozdyak R.I., ed. Phytocides. Bacterial diseases of plants. Materials of conference. Part 2. Kiev & Lvov: KGT-2, p. 74-75 (in Russian).
Nosova O.N. 1990b. Necrosis of core of tomato stem and basis for its control. PhD Thesis. Moscow: TSKHA, 18 p. (in Russian).
Pavlyushin V.A., ed. 2003. Methodical recommendations on studying bacterial diseases of tomato and measures of their control. St. Petersburg: VIZR, 29 p. (in Russian).
Pavlyushin V.A. & Makarov A.A., eds. 1999. Bacterial diseases of tomato and potato and measures of their control (methodical recommendations). St. Petersburg: VIZR, 30 p. (in Russian).
Pekhtereva E.Sh. 1994. Harmful disease of tomatoes in the closed ground. In: Zakharenko V.A. & Matveeva E.V., eds. Proc. All-Russian Conference. Bacterial diseases of potato and vegetable cultures and methods of their control. Moscow: RASKHN, p. 57-61 (in Russian).
Pekhtereva E.Sh. 1994. Bacteria - antagonists of the pathogen of pith necrosis of tomato. In: Zakharenko V.A. & Matveeva E.V., eds. Proc. All- Russian Conference. Bacterial diseases of potato and vegetable cultures and methods of their control. Moscow: RASKHN, p. 113-115 (in Russian).
Pekhtereva E.Sh. & Matveeva E.V. 1989. Bacteriosis of tomatoes in the closed ground. Zashchita rastenii 8: 42 (in Russian).
Popkova K.V. & Nosova O.N. 1989. Specific development of tomato bacterioses in greenhouse culture. In: Sinukov I.I., ed. News of Timiryasevskaya agricultural academy, 1. Moscow: Agropromizdat, p. 100-104 (in Russian).
Popkova K.V. & Nosova O.N. 1990. Features of development of pith necrosis of stems of tomato. In: Gvozdyak R.I., ed. Phytoncides. Bacterial diseases of plants. Materials of conference. Part 2. Kiev & Lvov: KGT-2, p. 75-76 (in Russian).
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Sidlyarevich V.I., Kolyadko N.N., Popov F.A., Prishchepa L.I., Zhukova P.S., Mikulskaya N.I., Bunyaki V.P., Zherdetskaya T.A., Zabara J.M., Evsegneeva N.V., Komarova M.S., Korunets I.V., Lameko V.M., Novikova O.T. & Osipov V.G. 1998. Vegetable culture. In: Samersov V.F., ed. Integrated systems of protection of agricultural crops from pests, diseases and weeds (recommendations). Baranovichi: Baranovichi integrated printing house, p. 189-243 (in Russian).
Terekhina N.V. 2004. Area of tomato (Lycopersicon lycopersicum L.) www.agroatlas.spb.ru .

Right and copyright:

All rights reserved. Copyright 2006 © A.M. Lazarev & M.I.Saulich (VIZR; raster map);
A.M. Lazarev (VIZR, description, vector map).

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