
Area and disease severity zones of White Rot of Sunflower (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib). de Bary)

Object description Download GIS-layers


Object specialist V.I. Yakutkin, GIS-specialist M.I. Saulich.

Date of creation:


Accuracy of map:

Created using information taken from published literature and maps of scale 1:40 000 000


"Alber's Equal Area Conic for the USSR", 9, 1001, 7, 100, 0, 44, 68, 0, 0

Basic content:

Vector map. Area of distribution and disease severity zones are shown by polygons.

Accuracy of the classifier:

Within the sunflower cultivation area, three zones of disease severity of Sunflower White Rot have been defined. The zone of low disease severity is characterized by yield losses that do not exceed 10%. The zone of moderate disease severity is characterized by yield losses greater than 10 but less then 25%. The zone of high disease severity is characterized by yield losses greater than 25% (greater than 40% infected plants).

Method of map production:

Published literature was reviewed, including Atlases, monographs and papers. Occurrence data were obtained from herbarium specimens, floras, monographs and papers. Data were then compiled through scanning and geo-referencing to develop a composite vector map. The biologist, together with the GIS specialist, drew a composite weed distribution area based on compiled data. The area and disease severity zones were plotted on a blank map following a review of published sources (Tikhonov, 1975; Yakutkin et al., 1990). Disease distribution was corrected using the boundaries of sunflower cultivation based on Koroleva (2003). Borders of disease severity zones were corrected according to published data (Yakutkin, 2001).

Sources of the data:

Adams P.B., Ayers W.A. 1979. Ecology of Sclerotinia species. Phytopathology 69(8): 896-899.
Lamarque C. 1983. Climatic conditions necessary for the tournesol contamination of Sclerotinia sclerotiorium: provision for local epidemics (Conditions climatiques necessaires a la contamination du tournesol par Sclerotinia sclerotiorum: prevision des epidemies locales). Bull. OEPP 13(2): 75-78. (In French)
Libert M.A. 1837. Plant Crytogamicae (bysiccati). N. 326.
Selyaninov G.T. 1928. About agricultural estimation of climate. Proceedings on agricultural Methodologies 20: 169-178. (In Russian)
Tikhonov O.I. 1975. Diseases of sunflower. In: Sunflower. Moscow: Kolos. 401-409 pp. (In Russian)
Yakutkin V.I., Milyutenkova T.I. 1990. Forecast of White Rot and Gray Mould of sunflower for optimization of the protective methods. The methodical recommendations. St. Petersburg. 17 pp. (In Russian)
Yakutkin V.I., Milyutenkova T.I. 1991. The account, forecast of White Rot and Gray Mould of Sunflower. The methodical recommendations. St. Petersburg. 36 pp. (In Russian)
Yakutkin V.I. 2001. Diseases of sunflower in Russia and their control. Zashchita i karantin rastenii N.10: 26-29. (In Russian)
Yakutkin V.I., Tavolzhanskii N.P. 1999. Disease control on sunflower in Russia. Research progress in plant protection and plant nutrition. Agro annual meeting, China 99. China Agriculture Press. Beijing. 214-218 pp.

Right and copyright:

All rights reserved. Copyright 2004 (c) V.I.Yakutkin & M.I.Saulich (VIZR; vector map, description); V.I.Yakutkin (VIZR, picture).

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