
Distribution and harmfulness of Stem Canker and Black Scurf on potatoes Thanatephorus cucumeris (Frank) Donk. (anamorth Rhizoctonia solani Kuehn.)

Object description Download GIS-layers


Specialist-biologist E.I.Gultyaeva, GIS-specialist M.I.Saulich

Date of creation:



1:20 000 000

Accuracy of map:

It is created on materials of map of natural scale 1: 40 000 000.


"Alber's Equal Area Conic for the USSR", 9, 1001, 7, 100, 0, 44, 68, 0, 0

Basic contents:

Vector map. It consists of two layers characterizing disease distribution and harmfulness on potato.

Accuracy of the classifier:

Zone of disease harmfulness is allocated by results of the analysis of open published materials. (Bertel.ts, Bubentsov, 1958; Bordukova,1970; Volovik et al., 1974, 1975; Bubentsov, Sechkina, 1976; Popkova et al., 1980; Zolotareva, Mamakova, 1984; Leichenkova, 1985; Gross, 1985; Chumakov, Zakharova, 1990; Ivanyuk, Aleksandrov, 2000). Levels of harmfulness for Rhizoctonia diseases of potato infect more then 25% tubers in planting materials or more then 15% stems in field (Chumakov, Zakharova, 1990).

Procedure of map drawing:

Stem Canker and Black Scurf are widely distribute in potato growing regions. Area of harmfulness in North-West, Central (Lisutina, 1967; Bordyukova, 1970; Volovik et al., 1974, 1975; Popkova et al., 1980; Peresypkin, 1989, Kostitsin, Tsvetkova, 1997), Volga-Vyatca, Ural regions of Russian Federation (Zaikin, 2003), West and East Siberia (Zolotareva, Mamakova, 1984; Chumakov, Zakharova, 1990), Far East, Baltic countries (Gross, 1985), Belarus (Ivanyuk, Aleksandrov, 2000), woodlands of Ukraine (Leichenkova, 1985), north and central regions of Kazakhstan (Bertel.ts, Bubentsov, 1958; Bordyukova,1970; Bubentsov, Sechkina, 1976) are located after published materials. In southern regions the disease can occur, being significant in only some wet years, more often on irrigated lands, and in years with could spring (Koloshina, Nemchin, 1959, Bordyukova, 1970). Definition of the disease distribution has been carried out on vector layer of potato growing regions. The blank map with outlines of area has been scanned. Registration and vectoring of raster map have been performed by standard tools of current GIS-technologies.

Related references:

Bertel.ts A.O., Bubentsov S.T. 1958. Black scurf of potato in Central Kazakhstan and protection measures // Trudy NII zashity rastenii. - Uralsk - V.4. - P.52-59 (in Russian).
Bordukova M. 1970. Black scurf of potato and whitish-gray mildew on stem // Kartofel. i ovoshchi. - N4. - P.42-44 (in Russian).
Bubentsov S.T., Sechkina T.Yu. 1976. Black scurf of potato and protection measures // Puti uvelicheniya proizvodstva kartofelya v Uzbekistane. - Tashkent. - P.120-122. (in Russian).
Chumakov A.E, Zakharova T.I. 1990. Harmfulness of diseases of agricultural crops. . Moscow: Agropromizdat. . 127 pp. (in Russian).
Gross O.K. 1985. Black scurf of potato // Zashchita rastenii. - N2. - P.56 (in Russian).
Ivanyuk V.G., Aleksandrov O.T. 2000. Singularity of appearance of potato black scurf in Byelorussia // Mikologiya i fitoptologiya. - V.34(5). - P.51-59 (in Russian).
Hawksworth D.L., Kirk P.M., Sutton B.C., Pegler D.N. 1995. Dictionary of the fungi. - CAB International, - 616 p.
Koloshina L.M., Nemchin F.I. About harmfulness of black scurf on potato in Moldova // Trudy Moldavskogo NII oroshaemogo zemledeliya i ovoshchevodstva. - Kishinev. - V.1. - P.291-296 (in Russian).
Kostitsin V.V., Tsvetkova N.A. 1997. Black scurf of cereals and potato // Zashchita rastenii i karantin. - N10. - P.32 (in Russian).
Leichenkova S.V. 1985. Morphological-cultural characteristics and pathogenicity of Rhizoctonia solani Kuehn. from different ecological-geographic regions // Selektsia i semenovodstvo kartofelya. - Moskow . -P.86-92 (in Russian).
Lisutina N.I. 1967. Black scurf in Kursk region // Nauchnye trudy (Agronomiya). - Kursk. - V.4. - P.193-115 (in Russian).
Peresypkin V.F.1989. Agricultural phytopathology. . Moscow: Agropromizdat. . 480 pp. (in Russian).
Popkova K. V., Shneider A.S., Volovik A.S., Shmuglya V.A. 1980. Diseases of potato. - Moscow: Kolos. - 304 pp. (in Russian).
Sechkina T.Y. 1978. Black scurf of potato and protection measures // Voprosy rasvitiya selskogo hozyastva v zone Kokchetavskogo melkosopochnika (Sbornik nauchnykh statei). . Alma-Ata: Kainar. - P.124-125 (in Russian).
Volovik A.S., Litun B.P., Fedorova M.I. 1974. Harmfulness of most spread diseases of potato in RF and economic effectiveness of protection measures // Tekhnologiya proizvodstva kartofelya (Nauchnye trudy). - Moskow. - V.XIX. - P.177-183 (in Russian).
Volovik A.S., Litun B.P. 1975. Harmfulness of potato diseases // Zashchita rastenii. - N7. - P.4-6 (in Russian).
Zaikin B.A. 2003. Struggle against potato diseases requires a complex approach // Kartofel' i ovoshchi. - N3. - P.25-27 (in Russian).
Zolotareva E.V., Mamakova T.F. 1984. Black scurf on potatoes in Khabarovsk Terrotory // Zashchita rastenii ot vreditelei, boleznei i sornyakov na Dal'nem Vostoke. - Novosibirsk -P.4-13 (in Russian).

Right and copyright:

All rights reserved. Copyright 2004© E.I.Gultyaeva & M.I.Saulich (vector map and description); E.I.Gultyaeva (photo).


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