
Tobacco Rattle Tobravirus (TRV) .

Systematic position.

Kingdom Vira, group Tobravirus.


Potato corky ringspot virus, potato stem mottle virus, stengelbonk virus Rosendal; tobacco virus 11, Johnson; Nicotiana virus 5, Smirh.

Biological group.

Obligatory parasite.

Morphology and biology.

First data on this virus was published in Germany in 1931 (Boning). The virus is most harmful on potato plants. Symptoms are various; leaves, stems and leafstalks have necrotic strips, yellow arcs and spots; tubers have necrotic arcs and rings. Leaves become twisted and spotted. There are two strains which cause either variegation of stems or necrosis of tubers. Virions are baculiform, either 46-114 or 180-197 nm in length. Temperature of inactivation (TIP) is 80-85°C, loss of infectious activity (LIV) at keeping in sap occurs in 40-50 days. Maximal dilution is 1:1000. The virus has natural foci of infection. Nematodes of the genera Paratrichodorus and Trichodorus transfer this disease. Natural hosts of the virus in North-Western region are Sonchus arvensis L., Cirsium arvensis Scop., Cirsium vulgare Tenore. The infection of the potato takes place within the area of natural foci of virus.


Within the territories of the former Soviet Union, the disease is distributed everywhere the potato is growing. The disease severity is registered in Central and North-Western regions of Russia, in Byelorussia, Tatarstan, Lithuania, Latvia, Ukraine, Primorskii Territory.


Distribution and severity of TRV depends on the numbers of nematode vectors and natural plant-hosts.

Economic significance.

Because of wide specialization, the TRV infects many cultural plants (potato, tomato, lettuce, tobacco, and others). Severity during the epiphytoties on potato tubers can reach 20-40%.

Reference citations:

Aleksandrova N.D. & Trofimets L.N. 1981. Investigation of isolation forms of Tobacco rattle tobravirus on potato in Moscow region. In: Vlasov Yu.I., ed. Viral strains of plants and their practical use. Elgava, 3-6 p. (in Russian).
Aleksandrova N.D. 1980. Isolation and identification of potato tuber necrosis. In: Trofimets L.N., ed. Selection and seed production of potato (Proc. NIIKKH, 36). Moscow: NIIKKh, 69-73 p. (in Russian).
Ambrosov A.L., Sokolova L.A., Davidchik L.Ya. & Ivanova B.P. 1979. Soil virus of variegation of potato stems in BSSR conditions. In.: Ambrosov A.L., ed. Proceedings of AN BSSR. Vol. 23, N 3. Minsk: AN BSSR, 269-272 (in Russian).
Antonova V.V., Larina E.I. & Leshcheva O.M. 1982. Methods of revealing Tobacco rattle virus foci and nematode vectors. In: Novozhilov K.V., ed. Biological bases of nematode control (Proc. VIZR). Leningrad: VIZR, 82 p. (in Russian).
Gus'kova L.A. & Antonova V.V. 1981. Nematodes - vectors of Tobacco rattle virus in Leningrad region. Zashchita rastenii 4: 15 (in Russian).
Larina E.I. & Teploukhova T.N. 1975. Tobacco rattle tobravirus on potato. Zashchita rastenii 3: 51 (in Russian).
Larina E.I., Osipova E.A. & Bryantseva I.V. 1980. Natural foci of Tobacco rattle tobravirus. In.: Vlasov Yu.I., ed. Virus diseases of agricultural cultures. Moscow: Kolos, 39-42 p.(in Russian).
Samsonova L.N., Tsyplenkov A.E. & Yakutkina T.A. 2001. Diagnostic virus and phytoplasma diseases on vegetable cultures and potato. Saint-Petersburg: VIZR, 50 p. (in Russian).
Tsyplenkov A.E. & Larina E.I. 1975. Natural reservoirs of potato viruses. Potato and vegetables 8: 34-35 (in Russian).
Vlasov Yu.I. & Larina E.I. 1970. Agricultural virology. Moscow: Kolos, 237 p. (in Russian).
Zamanieva F.F. 1995. Soil viruses on potato in Tatar Republic. In: Proceedings of All-Russian Plant Protection Congress. Saint-Petersburg: VIZR, 570 p. (in Russian).

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