
Distribution of Ascochyta Leaf Spot on wheat Ascochyta hordei Hara

Object description Download GIS-layers


Specialist-biologist E.I.Gultyaeva,
GIS-specialist M.I.Saulich.

Date of creation:




Accuracy of map:

It is created on materials of maps of natural scale 1: 40 000 000.


"Alber's Equal Area Conic for the USSR", 9, 1001, 7, 100, 0, 44, 68, 0, 0.

Basic contents:

Vector map. It consists of one layer characterizing the disease distribution on wheat. Foci of the disease are presented by polygons.

Accuracy of the classifier:

The zones of distribution are allocated by results of the analysis of the open published materials.

Procedure of map drawing:

A blank map with outlines of area was scanned. Definition of the disease distribution was carried out on vector layer of wheat growing regions.

Related references:

Ephimova G.G. 1995. Phytopathological situation developed by technology of winter wheat growing in dry zones of Stavropol Territory // Zashchita zernovykh kultur ot boleznei v sovremennom zemledelii (Sbornik nauchnykh trudov).- SPb. -N98.-P.-97-104 (in Russian).
Fissura N.I., Andronova A.E., BessmelТtsev V.I. 1996. Pathogens of fungus spot on wheat in main cereal growing zones of Krasnodar Territory //Doklady RosselТkhozakademii. N1.-P.9-11 (in Russian).
Gontarenko O.V., L.T.Babayants, Gerzhova M.A. 1998. Leaf spots of wheat and triticale in south Ukraine // Mykologiya i phytopatologiya. -V.32(2).-P. 61-64 (in Russian).
Gorlenko M.V. 1951. Wheat diseases.-Moscow.- 256 pp. (in Russian).
Manukyan I.R. 2003. Pathogens of winter wheat in North Ossetia // Zashchita rastenii i karantin.-N 1. -P.32-33 (in Russian).
Polozova N.L. 1969.Ascochyta spp. on cereals in Leningrad Region //Mykologiya i phytopatologiya.-V.3, .2.- P.188-192 (in Russian).
Rudakov O.V, Titova K.D., Pospekhov G.V., Fissura N.I. 1989. Zones of harmfulness of leaf spot blotches pathogens //Povyshenie produktivnosti i ustoichivosti proizvodstva zerna ozimoi pshenitsy v SSSR (Sbornik nauchnykh trudov).-Mironovka.- P.134-139 (in Russian).
Shestiperova Z.I., Polozova N.L. 1973. Powdery mildew and leaf spots of spring wheat.-Leningrad: Kolos.- 56 pp. (in Russian).
Vlasov D.Y., Nikitina E.V., Zhukova M.V. et al. 1995. The composition of Micromycetes species on cereals in Rostov Region. //Zashchita rastenii ot boleznei v sovremennom zemledelii (Sbornik nauchnykh trudov).-SPb.- N98.-P.-82-92 (in Russian).

Right and copyright:

All rights reserved.
Copyright 2003 © E.I.Gultyaeva & M.I.Saulich (vector map and description);
E.I.Gultyaeva (photo).

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