
Distribution of Typhula Blight (= Speckled snow mold) ( Typhula incarnata Lasch: Fr.; T.idahoensis Ramsb) in Russian Federation

Object description Download GIS-layers


Specialist-biologist E.I.Gultyaeva, GIS-specialist M.I.Saulich

Date of creation:



1:20 000 000

Accuracy of a map:

It is created on materials of map of natural scale 1: 40 000 000,


"Alber.s Equal Area for the USSR", 9, 1001, 7, 100, 0, 44, 68, 0, 0

Basic contents:

Vector map. It consists from 1 layer characterizing the disease distribution on wheat. Focuses of the speckled snow mold are presented by polygons.

Accuracy of the classifier:

Evidences of diseases occurrences on winter wheat in administrative-territorial areas were extrapolated for full areas but in basis in places where ploughing of areas reached to 70% and more. In some cases the border of polygons was marked according to districts concurs where winter wheat was mostly distributive (Bashkortostan) .

Procedure of map drawing:

The copy of blank map composed from base vector layers (borders of former USSA and independent countries, borders them administrative-territorial formation, main wheat growing regions, coordinate grid) was used. The zones of distribution are allocated by results of the analysis of the materials published in an open edition ( Potatosova, 1960; Andreeva, Tupenevich, 1963; Kaask, 1963; Artem.eva et al, 1969; Sidorova, 1973; Sanin, 2000; Seraya, 2001). Elements of enumerated higher base layers were used for spatial orienting point. The blank map with the focuses of Typhula sp. distribution has been scanned. Registration and vectoring of raster map were performed by standard tools of current GIS-tecnologies. Definition of disease distribution was carried out on vector layer of regions were winter wheat are grown.

Related reference:

Andreeva N.F., Tupenevich S.M. Mold diseases of winter cereals // Rasprostranenie vreditelei i boleznei s.-h. culture v USSA v 1963 (Trudu Vsesousnogo naucno-issledovatelskogo instituta zashitu rastenii).-Leningrad -1963.-P.159-160. (in Russian).
Artemeva N.N., Bushkova L.N., Grisenko G.V. et al. Powdery mildew and other cereal diseases // Rasprostranenie vreditelei i boleznei s.-h. culture v USSA v 1966 (Trudu Vsesousnogo naucno-issledovatelskogo institute zashitu rastenii).-Leningrad.-1969.-V.34.-P.60-164. (in Russian).
Cask K.P. Typhula blight of winter cereals in Estonskaya SSR // Kratkie itogi nauchnuh issledovanii po zashite restenii v Pribaltiiskoi zone USSA.-Riga.-1962.-P.95-96. (in Russian).
Distribution of pests and diseases of grown crops in USSA in 1966 and prediction of its appearance in 1967.-M.:Rossel.hozizdat.-1967.-P.81-83. (in Russian).
Distribution of pests and diseases of grown crops in USSA in 1967 and prediction of them appearance in 1968.-M.:Rossel.hozizdat.-1968.-P.60-63. (in Russian).
Distribution of diseases of grown crops in USSA in 1968-1972..-Leningrad., VIZR-1973.-P.48-49. (in Russian).
Ishkova T.I., Berestetskaya L.I., Gasich E.V., Vlasov D.Y. Methodical instruction for diagnostics of major cereal fungal diseases. St.Petersburg: VIZR, 2001. P. 22-24. (in Russian).
Potatosova E.G. Typhula blight of winter cereals // Trudu Vsesousnogo instituta zashitu rastenii.-V.14.-L.-1960.-P.135-142. (in Russian).
Sanin S.A. To increase the level of phytosanitary safety of the country // Zashita rastenii i karantina.-2000, №12.-C.3-7. (In Russian).
Seraya L.G. Typhula ishikariensis S. Imai is caused agent of Speckled snow mold : biology, ecology, pathogenesis and substantiation of protection measures //. Avtoreferat dissertatsii na soiskanie uch. st. kand. biolog. nauk. - М.-2001.-20 pp. (in Russian).

Right and copyright:

Copyright on this map and description belongs to its authors,
copyright for foto belongs E.I.Gultyaeva

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