
Larix dahurica Turcz. - Dahurian Larch.

Taxonomic position.

Family Pinaceae Lindl. genus Larix Mill.

Morphology and biology.

Tree up to 30 m tall, 0.8-1.0 m diameter; root system superficial; bark reddish, thick; young branches glabrous, straw-colored, mature with grey flaking bark; leaf buds with bunches of yellowish-white hairs at margins; leaves narrow-linear, 15-30 mm long, glabrous above, with two longitudinal grooves beneath; cones 20-25 mm long, small, either narrow "bucket-shaped", or oval, oped flower-like; their scales spatulate, with small flat emargination at apex or rounded, slightly glossy, completely glabrous, 10-16 in number, arranged in 3.4 rows, cones of deviating specimens large, with 6-23 or even 34 scales, bract scales ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, dark-colored. Summer-green, monoecious, anemophilous, anemochore.


East Siberia up to tundra limits, Far East; Northeastern China, Korea.


Within its range, the Dahurian larch forms extensive light forests with various understorey and on various substrates, on detrite and stony soils of mountain slopes, on gley-podsol and peaty soils with non-deep permafrost. Occurs from sea level up to montane tundra (goltsy), in river valleys, on mountain slopes, in bogs.

Use and economic value.

One of the most important timber trees of Northeast Siberia.


Sokolov SI., Svjaseva OA., Kubli VA. 1977. Ranges of trees and shrubs of the USSR. V.1. Leningrad: Nauka. 240 p. (In Russian).
Kharkevich SS., ed. 1985. Vascular plants of the Soviet Far East. V.1. Leningrad: Nauka. 398 p. (In Russian).
Krasnoborov IM., ed. 1988. Flora of Siberia. V.1. Lycopodiaceae - Hydrocharitaceae. Novosibirsk: Nauka. 199 p. (In Russian).

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