
Poa litvinoviana Ovcz. - Poa litvinoviana

Systematic position.

Family Poaceae Barnhart, genus Poa L.

Morphology and biology.

Perennial, gray-green, tussock-forming grass. Height reaches 5-25 cm. Stem is reinforced in the lower part. Leaves are 1-2 mm wide, short, rough, usually laid together. Lingula of leaf is 0.5-2 mm long. Inflorescence is a panicle that is 2-8 cm long. It is dense, with sharp rough branches and few spikelets. Spikelet is 3-8 mm long. Lower floral glume is pubescent on the carina and along (sometimes between) the veins. Callus is bare. Cross-pollinated; wind-pollinated. Flowers and ripens in July-August. It reproduces by seed and vegetative means. Chromosomal number: 2n=42.


Occurs in Western Siberia (southern Altai), Middle Asia (south), Iran (northeast), China (west, southwest), and the Himalayas.


Species occurs in small meadow plots, among stones, on cobble slopes, among rocks, and on mounds in the upper mountain zone.

Economic value.


Reference citations:

Cherepanov S.K. 1995. Plantae Vasculares Rossicae et Civitatum Collimitanearum (in limics USSR olim) [List of Vascular Plants of Russia]. St. Petersburg: Mir I Semia. 990 pp. (In Russian)
Malyshev L.I., Peshkova G.A., eds. 1990. Flora of Siberia. Vol. 2. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 361 pp. (in Russian).
Tzvelev N.N. 1976. Poaceae USSR. L.: Nauka, 788 pp. (in Russian).

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