
Trifolium canescens Willd. - Canescent Clover.

Taxonomic position.

Family Fabaceae Lindl., genus Trifolium L.

Morphology and biology.

Perennial pubescent herbaceous plant. Root many-headed, stems 10-30 cm tall, numerous, ascending, unbranched, covered with adpressed white hairs. Stipules 15-25 mm wide. Leaves 2 cm long and 1.0-1.5 cm wide, oval, emarginate. Heads surrounded by uppermost leaves. Corolla pale yellow. Fruit a coriaceous 1-seeded pod. Flowers in June, fruits in July. Self-incompatible, cross-pollinated plant.




Meadows and herbaceous slopes, in subalpine and alpine zones, less often in upper forest zone.

Economic value.

May be used as forage plant.


Galushko AI. 1980. Flora of the North Caucasus: Handbook. V.2. 352 p. (In Russian).
Grossheim AA. 1952. Flora of Caucasus. 2nd ed. V.5. P.194-221. (In Russian).
Bobrov EG. 1945. Clover - Trifolium L. In: Shishkin BK., ed. Flora URSS. V.11. P.189-261. (In Russian).

© N.I.Dzyubenko, E.A.Dzyubenko

© Photo by E.A.Dzyubenko

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