
Range of distribution of Montpellierian Fenugreek (Trigonella monspeliaca L.).

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The expert-botanists - N.I.Dzyubenko, E.A.Dzyubenko.
The GIS expert - A.N.Dzyubenko.

Date of creation:



1:20 000 000.

Accuracy of the map:

The map is based on data of a 1:13 000 000 scale map, specified according to herbarium materials.


"Albers Equal-Area Conic Projection for USSR", 9, 1001, 7, 100, 0, 44, 68, 0, 0

Basic contents:

The map is a vector file consisting of 1 basic and 2 subject layers. The species range is represented by polygons and dots.

Accuracy of the qualifier:

The dots represent information on the species localities: 1 - reliable data from herbarium and published sources; polygons (1) - generalized information on the species distribution from published sources and herbarium specimens.

Method of the map contruction:

The data from the herbarium materials of LE, and the published map of a part of the species distribution range (Grossheim, 1952) were used for constructing the range of Trigonella monspeliaca. The range is disjunctive, consisting of three polygons and dots. The first of the largest polygons takes the area of the southern Moldova, Ukraine and the Crimea, the second one - the whole Caucasus. The south-western part of the range is represented by one polygon, tending to mountain massifs of Turkmenistan. The species locality in Astrakhan Region is represented by a solitary dot. When constructing the range border, we also followed published data (Grossheim, 1945; Vassilchenko, 1987), which had no significant disagreements.


Grossheim AA. 1945. Fenugreek - Trigonella L. In: Shishkin BK., ed. 1945. Flora URSS. V.11. P.102-129. (In Russian).
Grossheim AA. 1952. Flora of Caucasus. 2nd ed. V.5. P.168-177. (In Russian).
Vassilchenko IT. 1987. Fenugreek - Trigonella L. In: Fedorov AA., Tzvelev NN., eds. Flora of the European part of the USSR. V.6. P.182-186. (In Russian).
Herbarium specimens of V.L.Komarov Botanical Institute [LE] (St.Petersburg, Russia).

Rights and copyrights:

The copyrights of the map and descriptions are held by their authors.
The copyright of the photo is held by E.A.Dzyubenko.

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